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How to Uninstall Apps on Mac

Published: 24th of January, 2023

Uninstalling an application will remove it from your Mac and free up the storage space it was using, the standard ways this can be done is through either Launchpad or Finder.

Today, I'll show you some easy ways to uninstall apps and get back some valuable disk space on your Mac!


Uninstall using Finder

The standard "Mac way" to remove an app is to simply:

- Go to the Applications folder

- Select the app you want to delete

- Drag it to the Bin

- Click Finder → Empty Bin to delete it

⚠️ Keep in mind that you cannot use the Finder to delete apps that are required by the Mac.


Uninstall using LaunchPad

You can only uninstall apps you have downloaded from the Mac App Store using the LaunchPad.

- Open the LaunchPad from the Dock or Applications folder

- Hold the Option key and click on the app you want to delete, and confirm the deletion


A Better Way

Usually when you Bin an app a lot of unneeded files are left behind, so please watch this short video on how to completely remove an app and all its related files:


In Summary

I've just shown you there are a number of easy ways to uninstall apps and reclaim disk space on your Mac. You do not need any 3rd party software to uninstall an app on your Mac, but using iBoostUp will free up a lot more space!

iBoostUp is a quick and easy free download so why not give it a try?
Simply click here to download iBoostUp, I think you'll like it!

See you next time!
  ❤️ Maria


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