Malware dispute contact for vendors.

If you are the vendor of a product or one or more components of a product that Spyware Doctor has incorrectly identified as malware, please contact us and submit the requested information below.

If your submission is complete and includes all requested information our team will work with you to reanalyze your product.

Requested Information
          01. Company Name.
          02. Company URL.
          03. Your Name.
          04. Software product name.
          05. Software product version.
          06. URL of current product download.
          07. URL of all previous versions of product.
          08. Detection name (what is it detected as by Spyware Doctor)
          09. Your reason for disputing the detection.
          10. Does your product collect personal information?
          11. Link to your product's EULA.
          12. How and when is the EULA displayed to the user?
          13. Link to your product's privacy policy.
          14. How and when is the privacy policy displayed to the user?
          15. Does your product start automatically on boot or login? 
          16. Does your product run as a separate process?
          17. Does your product integrate with the web browser?  If yes, how?
          18. Does your product integrate with the operating system?  If yes, how?
          19. Describe the current known installation methods for your product.
          20. If your product connects to the Internet, explain what information is sent and when.
          21. Is your product self-contained? Does it come with or require an uninstaller? 
          22. Do software partners or other 3rd parties distribute your prodcut?
          23. Do these third parties receive payments for distributing your product?

          Please note that by submitting a vendor dispute request, you agree to allow us to make this information public.


Use your company email address and send this information to detection-review at iboostup dot com. Do not contact us from a free webmail account; Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, Proton, Yandex etc domains are ignored and we will not see your message.